There has been a lot of talk about whether Cyberpunk 2077 should have been released or not, and that is because the number of bugs found in the game has even caused the investors of CD Project Red to sue the company itself. The list of bugs is endless, and as the days go by the game just shows more and more signs that it has hit the market unfinished.
A hole in Night City
One of the errors that is attracting the most attention among users is the presence of a hole in the city map that allows the player to plunge into the void in the heart of the city. It is a hole in the ground that does not lead anywhere, since if you decide to jump through it, you will simply fall towards a place from which you can see the entire map of the city from below for a few moments.
It is obviously a small fragment of the map that the developers have forgotten, as it is an unfinished section that causes the character to go off the map and infinitely scroll down. The end result is none other than death, so the game will begin again where you left off.
Most likely, this error will be quickly fixed in the next update, but it is still curious that they have found a forgotten remote corner without closing. At least, it must be recognized that the map is so large and has so many nooks and crannies that this could happen in the best of families.
What happened to the monorail?
If we remember a bit, at E3 2018, CD Project Red showed an official trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 in which the main character, V, could be seen traveling through a monorail while taking in the breathtaking views of Night City. Many may have forgotten this detail, but surely some thought that this monorail would be a means of transport in the game.
Well, it seems that that was the idea, and we say it was, because in the game there is no type of transport of this type. But are we then before a typical folkloric ornament of a hopeful trailer or an idea canceled at the last minute? Well, rather the second.
And is that some users who love parkour, have managed to find very clear evidence that the Cyberpunk developers were working on a monorail that would run through the city, but that quite possibly due to lack of development time, they decided to abandon at the last minute without deleting the tests .
it looks like they planned on having a fully functioning train system but couldn’t finish it in time! from cyberpunkgame
As you can see in the previous video shared by a Reddit user , the monorail was going to have stations (at least one has been found), where you can change trains and continue browsing through the city. Another task that was left in the pipeline and that once again demonstrates the poor final planning that the developers suffered in the final development cycle of the game. And is that after two delays … who was going to endure one more delay in the launch of the game?