How To Fix WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR For Windows 10, 8, 7

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll notice that errors on Windows 10, 8 and 7 are somewhat common, and this article is no exception. Today I will be teaching you everything you need to know about WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR and how to fix it. So, if you are experiencing this error and want to learn how to fix it read here because I give you all of the steps and solutions you’ll need to tackle this annoying error.

Overview of This Error

Table of Contents


WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (also sometimes displayed as 0x0000124) can be classified as one of the many Windows errors that are titled the “Blue Screen of Death” (or sometimes BSOD for short). You can probably see why it is called that from the screenshot shown above, and this is a type of error that comes in may shapes and forms. If you’d like to see all of the variations of errors this includes, then I highly recommend checking out this article. You’ll see that there are several dozens, each with their own small differences.

But back to this specific error. So while I know that the BSOD title may sound scary, but it’s really not that bad. Windows is a competent enough operating system that when this error occurs, it just means that it will automatically restart your computer. Still annoying, but it shouldn’t cause any major damage, as the restarting is intended to prevent this damage.

“Microsoft’s new OS, Windows 7, may finally be a worthy successor to XP, eliminating the clutter of Vista and letting users get to what they want to use without the fuss.” – Douglas Rushkoff

When Does This Error Occur?

This error will occur on the startup screen when you first try to log into your computer. What gets people with these types of errors is that originally the computer may restart once and then it will load normally, so most users just assume that the error has automatically corrected itself. However, this is not the case, and it can reoccur anytime after. This can happen when you are just working on the computer, so it’s not something you should ignore. If you get it once, you’ll want to fix it.

From the screenshot of this error, the main message is the generic one displayed for all BSOD errors. The smaller type just gives you the name of the error, but what exactly does that mean?


Causes of This Error

There are several possible things that are causing this error. It won’t really be possible to diagnosis which one it is until you have started trying the solutions, but here’s a rundown so you’ll know what to expect with the solutions.

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Cause #1: Damaged hardware

The most common cause of this error is that the hardware (or memory) has been damaged.

Cause #2: Driver conflicts

Another possible cause is a misconfigured or outdated driver that causes conflicts in the system. This may happen after a driver update or an incorrect Windows upgrade(downgrade). This is a common cause of many other Windows errors as well.

Cause #3: Corrupt registry or system files

Something else many users have reported being the error is an important system file or a registry key that is corrupt or missing. That may happen because of disk read/write errors, power outages or virus attacks.

Now that you have some basic knowledge on what could be causing this error, we’ll get into some specifics on how to fix these causes.

How to Fix It

Ah, now to the important part of this article and the reason why most of you are here; how do you go about correcting this error? Well, although the word “uncorrectable is in the title of this error message, it is far from it. Therefore, let’s just get into these solutions so you can be on your way towards correcting this error. You’ll notice that most of these solutions can be tied to one of the three causes that I listed in the previous section.

Therefore, let’s just get into these solutions so you can be on your way towards correcting this error. You’ll notice that most of these solutions can be tied to one of the three causes that I listed in the previous section. Perform these solutions in the order that I list them here as. After attempting each error

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Solution #1: Disable Overclocking

The most common fix for whea_uncorrectable_error is disabling overclock from your operating system. Overclocking is essentially when your computer is working harder and faster which can, therefore, produce additional heat which can in turn cause errors like this to occur. That’s a pretty basic definition on it, but if you’d like to learn the technical specifics about it, check out this article. Here’s how to disable overclocking on your Windows operating system.

  1. Open the Start Menu and go to Settings.
  2. Go to Update and Security, and then to the Recovery tab
  3. Click on Advanced Startup, which will cause your computer will restart.
  4. On advanced startup (it’ll look like the screenshot shown above), Go to Troubleshoot, then Advanced Options and then UEFI Firmware Settings.
  5. Click Restart
  6. After the computer is restarted once again, it should open BIOS automatically.
  7. Once that is opened, navigate over to the Advanced tab.
  8. Next, click on Performance, and scroll down the long list until you see Overclocking.
  9. Make sure overclocking is disabled. If it already is, enable it and disable it again just for good measures.
  10. Save changes to BIOS (by pressing F10 on your keyboard), and start your computer normally.
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Disabling overclocking is the most effective solution to this error. However, if it didn’t work, don’t worry because we have a couple more possible solutions that you can still try.

Solution #2: Check drivers

If you recently installed a new driver, make sure it’s compatible with the Windows version you currently have on your computer.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows +C keys to open the Charm Bar.
  2. Type Device Manager in the search box
  3. Determine if there are any corrupt drivers installed from the list of drivers installed. You can do so by scrolling through the list, and if there are any errors, it will be displayed under the driver’s name.
  4. If there are no errors reported in Device Manager, update the software of your most recently installed driver. To do so, right-click on the driver and select Update Driver Software.

Solution #3: Check if There Are Any Hardware Issues

  1. Before doing this, you’ll want to enter safe mode on your PC. Here’s how to do that:
  2. When the PC starts press “F8” on the keyboard or another combination would be “Shift + F8”.
  3. The “Recovery Mode” should start.
  4. From within the “Recovery Mode,” you need to select “Safe Mode” by following the instructions on the screen.

Once you are in Safe Mode, here’s how to check for hardware issues.

  1. Open the Start screen and type chkdsk to search for this program. When it appears, click on it.
  2. This will start the chkdsk program, so let it run. You won’t need to do anything else except monitor it.
  3. While watching it closely, if you get any stops along the way with errors it will probably be that you’re hard drive is not working properly.

This is more of a diagnosis since there’s nothing much that you can actually do to fix it. However, you now at least know what is causing this error, so you can either contact customer support or bring it into a local Windows show to get it fixed.

Solution 4 – Run Windows Memory Diagnostics

This final solution is similar to the last one in both the methods and what it accomplishes. You will essentially be running a program again, and it it doesn’t work then you know the issue is within your hard drive.

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Once again, this is an error that can’t easily be fixed by yourself, so if this is the cause, you’ll need to bring it in or call customer support to get further assistance. With this step, you’ll just be able to pinpoint what is causing this error. Most of the time you shouldn’t even have to get to this step, but if you do, here it is.

  1. To check the Hardware memory we need to go to the Start screen once again and then search Windows Memory Diagnostic. When it appears, click on it.
  2. Let this program run, and just like before, if you get any stops along the way with errors then you know the issue has to do with your hard drive.


The “Blue Screen of Death” is a group of errors that are dreaded by the entire community of Windows users. WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR (or 0x0000124) is one that may seem intimidating. I mean, in the title of the error, it even says the word “uncorrectable”, so that alone may have discouraged you from even attempting to fix this error.

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Don’t worry though. People tend to panic when they see an error like this or really any error in general, but you can see from the solutions above that it’s really not all the difficult of a problem to fix and if you follow the steps here, you should have no problems at all. That is common with getting rid of many error messages. It may seem confusing at first, but most solutions just require you to change up some advanced settings that you may not have been aware of but are still easy to do.

I hope from this article you learned a lot about the error message WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR and how to fix it. You can get this error on Windows 10, 8, or 7, so it’s something that you’ll definitely want to prepare for.  If you have any other additional questions regarding this error, make sure to leave a comment below and we’ll try to address it to the best of our abilities. Thanks for reading, and good luck in defeating the Blue Screen of Death!

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