Why the Name of the Contacts Does Not Appear in the Calls

Why the Name of the Contacts Does Not Appear in the Calls. Although we can do more and more things with mobile phones, we must not forget the basics and that is that calls are still a very important function of the mobile. However, many users have encountered an annoying problem that does not allow to see the name of the contacts when receiving calls on Android phones, causing us to not be able to recognize the call.

This error is not linked to a specific brand, but has appeared in several models. With the intention of solving it, we are going to give you the steps to follow to get to know the name of the contacts that call us. First of all, we invite you to check the contacts that you have stored on your smartphone, because many times we get complicated, but in reality the only problem is that the contact is not saved correctly.

Name of the Contacts Does Not Appear

Permissions are the key

When we launch a new mobile, we have to give permissions to its applications so that it works correctly. If we make a mistake and instead of allowing access to the phone app we deny it, it will be impossible for it to recognize our contact list in calls . Luckily, the process to fix it is very simple and is done in the same way on all Android devices:

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permisos telefono android

  • First we have to enter the Settings.
  • Then we move to applications.
  • Here we have to find a phone.
  • Inside we will click on permissions and we allow them.

Telephone numbers with prefix

In case the previous solution was not enough to fix our problem, we should think about the next option. Android integrates the possibility of automatically identifying the prefixes of different countries to dial and receive calls. This can be turned on or off, causing a contact saved without a prefix to not be recognized correctly. We can solve this by just doing this:

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  • We enter the mobile phone application.
  • We turn to the contacts.
  • We touch on the three upper points and access the options.
  • Here we look for Assisted Dialing.
  • Then you just have to activate the options choose our country manually in case it does not detect it automatically.
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The solution for Samsung mobiles that do not show contacts

Although some of the previous solutions that we have been able to see may be the only solution we need, a rare phenomenon is occurring in Samsung mobiles. Some users, after making app or system updates, find that the mobile stops showing the name of the contacts in the calls without any cause.

If you are facing this situation do not worry, since there is also a solution. However to fix this we will have to change the default options of other apps.

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We will start by entering the mobile Settings and we will go to the Applications section. Once inside we touch on the three points at the top and choose to reset preferences. A message will appear with everything that will return to the original state, forcing us to reconfigure it but allowing the contacts to appear on the screen again when they call us.

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