Fix ERR_CACHE_MISS in Google Chrome with these 5 Methods

All Google Chrome users may encounter problems when browsing a website. One of the most common issues is ERR_CACHE_MISS. If you would like to fix this error with ease, you have come to the right place.

In fact, whether you would like to either fix this Chrome error or just find out more about, you have come to the right place.

Although Google Chrome is usually reliable, from time to time things go wrong even Google’s own Internet web browser.

This only comes to show that everything – no matter how popular or highly reputed – is not perfect. That, of course, does not mean that when things go wrong, it is any less frustrating just because it happens in this Internet browser.

It can actually be more irritating when things go wrong when you are using that is so popular. And what can be more annoying than to be prevented from browser the Internet.

But, there is actually no need to panic. Although most people’s reaction (and, trust me, I have been there) would be to panic when they get this error, I would actually suggest always keeping a cool head. Not just when dealing with this specific error but, more generally, when dealing with all kinds of different computer errors.

And I have good news for you: this error can be fixed with ease. Whether you have gotten to this article after some Internet search or you are a regular Error Codes Pro reader, this is where your research into this error stops.

I have done all the necessary research on this Google Chrome error for one and one reason only: I want you to get all the information you need, including, of course, how to fix this error.

So, let’s start by talking about this error in some more detail:

What Is The ERR_CACHE_MISS error? 

This is one of the errors that can prevent Google Chrome users from accessing the Internet.

So, because there are also other Chrome errors that can stop you from having Internet access, it is important that you make sure that you are dealing with this error and no any other one, no matter how similar.

This is because each specific error has its own fixing methods. So the methods I will go over in this tutorial are only designed to work for this one error and may not do so for others.

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The best way to check if you are dealing with the error this article is about is by paying close attention to the error message you got. It should say the following:

“Confirm Form Resubmission. ERR_CACHE_MISS”

If this is the error message you got, then read on. Otherwise, check out our site for other similar errors.

Fixing This Error 

There are a few different ways to fix this error. This is simply because there could be several different underlying causes for it.

Now, the best way to approach the rest of this tutorial is to read it through. You may just skim read it if pushed for time. The important thing is that you understand what is involved in each and every one of the fixing methods presented here.

After you have read through all the methods, you may have identified the reason why your Chrome is giving you this error. If that were the case, then you could just go ahead and attempt the method that addresses that specific reason.

“The Internet browser is the mot susceptible to viruses. The browser is naive about downloading and executing software. Google is trying to help by releasing the Chrome browser as open source.” – Vint Cerf

But if you are not sure what could be causing the error, then you might as well follow all the methods in the order in which they are presented. The good news is that it is highly unlikely that you would need to attempt them all. In all likelihood, you will stumble upon something that will do the trick for you and fix the error early on.

Now that I have gone through all of that, here are the methods to fix this error with ease:

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Possible Fix Number 1: 

The first possible fix for this error would involve clearing all your browsing data on Google Chrome.


If you do not how to do this, do not worry. It only takes a few easy steps, and here they are:

  1. Grab your computer.
  2. Launch Google Chrome.
  3. Head over to the Chrome Control Menu by clicking on the three dots on the top right-hand side of your Chrome browser. This action will prompt a menu.
  4. Then choose More Tools. This action will prompt a sub menu.
  5. Click on the Clear browsing data… This action will prompt a new pane to display on your screen.
  6. Ensure that all items are checked and select the option to “obliterate the following items from: ”the beginning of time”.
  7. Then, click on the Clear browsing data

Once you have followed those steps, you have cleared the browsing date. All that would be left for you to do would be to launch Chrome again and see if this has fixed the error.

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If it has not, then move on to the next method.

Possible Fix Number 2:

This method would involve checking all our browser extensions.


Again, this is a simple process and can be done by just following these steps:

  1. Grab your computer.
  2. Launch Google Chrome.
  3. Head over to the Chrome Control Menu by clicking on the three dots on the top right-hand side of your Chrome browser. This action will prompt a menu.
  4. Then choose More Tools. This action will prompt a sub menu.
  5. Click on the Extensions This action will prompt a new pane with a list of extensions to display on your screen.
  6. Next, you would need to disable each of the extensions one by one, checking if it fixes the problem. You would need to do this in order to find out which extension is causing the error.

Once you have identified the culprit you should delete it and enable all the other extensions.

If disabling your extensions does not fix the error, then move on to the next method.

Possible Fix Number 3:

This third method would involve resetting your Internet browser. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Grab your computer.
  2. Launch Google Chrome.
  3. Head over to the Chrome Control Menu by clicking on the three dots on the top right-hand side of your Chrome browser. This action will prompt a menu.
  4. Then choose Settings. This action will prompt a new pane.
  5. Next, click on Show advanced settings…
  6. Scroll down through all the advanced settings until you locate the Reset settings button and click on it.
  7. You would then be prompted to confirm that you would like to reset your browser. Do so by clicking on the Reset

Once you have followed those steps, check it Chrome now works as it should. If it still does not, it would be a good time to upgrade it. This is because the error could simply be caused by a browser that has become out of date. So, updating it might just do the trick for you. As a rule of thumb, you should update your Internet web browser as soon as a new version becomes available.

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Possible Fix Number 4:

Another possible fix for this error is by disabling the cache system. Here are the simple steps you would need to follow in order to do so:

  1. Grab your computer.
  2. Then hit the following three keys at the same time: Ctrl + Shift + I.
  3. Hit the F1 key immediately after. This action will prompt a menu to display on your screen.
  4. Next, scroll down until you locate the Network Then, check the following item: Disable cache (while DevTools is open).
  5. Finally, reload the page you are on.


If this did not do the trick for you, there is still one last thing for you to try.

Possible Fix Number 5:

Your final chance is resetting your network settings, by following these steps

  1. Grab your computer.
  2. Hit the Windows
  3. Type “cmd” [no quotation marks] into the search box.
  4. Once you see Command Prompt, right-click on it and choose the Run as administrator option.
  5. Then type the following commands one by one and clicking Enter between each command: ipconfig /release, ipconfig /all, ipconfig /flushdns, ipconfig /renew, nets hint ip set dns, netsh winsock rest.

Once you have entered each command correctly, restart your computer. Next, launch Chrome and see if the problem has been fixed.

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So, this has been How To Fix ERR_CACHE_MISS in Google Chrome with Ease. If you would like to share your own experience dealing with this issue with other readers or would like to send us some feedback, please leave us a message in the comments section below.

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